The "Insurance Information for Contractors & Hold Harmless Agreement" form below provides all requirements and expectations regarding the use of contractors and/or the presence of renters on parish/diocese property. We recommend that this document, or its wording, be attached to any contract for work on parish premises.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Protective Self-Insurance Program purchased a Boiler & Machinery Policy to cover all of the Diocesan locations. The Policy was purchased through the Catholic Mutual Insurance Company.
The Catholic Mutual Insurance Company has teamed up with Travelers Insurance for the purposes of performing the required New York State Boiler Inspections every two years. Please refer to the Travelers Insurance Boiler Inspection Hotline Information.
This boiler & machinery policy provides additional coverage, over and above the coverages provided by our existing Protected Self-Insurance Program. Schools specifically were included in this blanket Boiler policy as this policy provides coverage for a number of items found in our schools including:
All HVAC systems (boilers, ventilators, air conditioning systems)
Electric panels and transformers
Large office equipment
Computers and computer systems
Sound and Bell systems
The boiler & machinery policy provides broader coverage than typical property insurance including equipment breakdown losses and artificially generated electric current and arcing losses. It also includes spoilage and related extra expenses that often accompany these types of losses.
There is no additional insurance charge for the Boiler & Machinery Policy coverage or Travelers Insurance Company Boiler Inspection that is completed every two years. However, the insured location is responsible for payment of a New York State Certificate of Inspection Filing Fee for each boiler inspected.
If you have any sudden occurrence or damage involving your boiler or any HVAC, electric, computer or office equipment, please contact Brian McAuliffe at 315-470-1494, (cell 847-269-4705) at at the Risk Management office or Ed King at 315-470-1478 (Facilities Management) IMMEDIATELY. They will assist you in determining what coverage may apply and will assist you in reporting the loss to the boiler insurance company, Catholic Mutual Group.
*** Please note that the Boiler & Machinery deductible is $5,000 per occurrence. ***
Please note that any damage must be sudden in nature. Damage as a result of wear and tear, rust and corrosion is generally excluded. Please click on the link below for the inspection information:
Travelers Insurance Boiler Inspection Information