We pray that the passage of the Child Victims Act brings some measure of healing to all survivors by offering them a path of recourse and reconciliation. The legislation now recognizes that child sexual abuse is an evil not just limited to one institution, but a tragic societal ill that must be addressed in every place where it exists.
Today, the Child Victims Act has been passed in the New York State legislature. It is a new day for all victim-survivors of child sexual abuse and will hopefully offer greater healing, recourse and reconciliation. This law sends a clear signal to society as a whole that child sexual abuse is a pervasive evil that we must address together.
The New York State Catholic Conference welcomed the passage of the New York State DREAM Act Jan. 24, calling it “a strong example of legislation that nurtures real progress, based on respect of human life and the dignity of each person, compassion, service, community and opportunity for everyone.”
NYS Catholic Conference: ‘our beloved state has become a more dangerous one for women and their unborn babies’. The New York State Catholic Conference released the following statement following the Jan. 22 passage and signing of the Reproductive Health Act: “Today, New York State has added a sad chapter to this already solemn date of January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. With the legislature’s passage, and Governor Cuomo’s signing of the Reproductive Health Act, our beloved state has become a more dangerous one for women and their unborn babies.
Bishop Robert J. Cunningham offered the following statement in response to the Jan. 22 passing of the Reproductive Health Act: Today, New York State has failed women and their unborn babies by passing and signing the Reproductive Health Act. As Catholics, we must continue to preach the Gospel of life.
Words are insufficient to describe the profound sadness we feel at the contemplated passage of New York State’s new proposed abortion policy. We mourn the unborn infants who will lose their lives, and the many mothers and fathers who will suffer remorse and heartbreak as a result.