In a letter to the faithful published in the January 2022 edition of The Catholic Sun, Bishop Lucia announced that the first step in the process of compiling information pertinent to the care of the souls in each area of the diocese would be redefining the regions of the diocese into seven areas or vicariates. Each area has a personal representative called a Vicar Foran,e who will meet with the pastoral leaders of the region in an effort to further cooperation and collaboration among parishes.
Below, you will find, for each vicariate, data that is foundational to the goals Bishop Lucia and the Presbyteral Council have established: care of souls, care of our priests, and an emphasis on collaboration among pastoral leadership, both clergy and lay leaders.
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Presbyteral Council: Canon 495.1 defines a presbyteral council as a body "to be established in each diocese, that is a body of priests who are to be like a senate to the bishop." The council is to aid, advise and support the bishop in the governance of the diocese.
Pastor: A priest appointed by the bishop to shepherd a parish or parishes. Historically in the Diocese of Syracuse, pastors have served a six-year term with the possibility of an additional six-year renewal.
Administrator: Also a priest appointed by the bishop to shepherd a parish or parishes, but for an undefined term. He may be removed by the bishop at any time.
Parochial Vicar: A priest assigned by the bishop to assist a pastor or administrator in the care of a parish.
Parish Life Director: Canon 517.2 states that a bishop, when faced with a lack of available priests to serve as pastors or administrators, may elect to appoint a deacon or lay person (or group of persons) "in the exercise of spiritual care." This position, the Parish Life Director in the Diocese of Syracuse, acts as the parish spiritual shepherd and administrative leader. The position is overseen by a priest endowed with the faculties of a pastor but who is not engaged in the day-to-day operations of the parish in question.
Pastoral Associate: A lay person or deacon appointed or hired by the pastor/administrator to assist in parish ministries. Canon 519 describes these as "duties of teaching, sanctifying and governing" with the cooperation of clergy and the assistance of the laity.
Pastoral Care Area (PCA): A group of parishes within the diocese, usually defined by geographic region for the purpose of pastoral support and collaboration.
Vicariate: A larger area, comprising multiple pastoral care areas (PCAs), usually defined by geographic region for the purposes of pastoral support, collaboration and administration. Spiritually, Bishop Lucia sees these areas as "an extension of the Church's mission."
Vicar Forane: A priest appointed by the bishop to oversee more closely the mission of the diocese. Canon 555 states that the vicar forane has the duty and right of promoting and coordinating common pastoral activity in the vicariate, of seeing to it that the clerics of his district lead a life in keeping with their state and perform their dutites diligently; of seeing to it that religious functions are celebrated according to the prescripts of the sacred liturgy.